Human Trafficking is modern day slavery. It comes in many forms. Forced prostitution, bonded debt labor, child soldiers, domestic servitude. Can’t believe it’s still around? Actually, it’s bigger today than ever before. “A woman or child sold into prostitution can earn up to $150,000 annually for a crime boss,” according to a 2003 report by Melvin Levitsky titled Transnational Criminal Networks and International Security. No wonder the crime is so prevalent and attractive to criminals that it earns $10-12 Billion dollars a year!
Ever since I started working at non-profit it has definitely opened my eyes to issues that affect more and more women. One of them being Human Trafficking. I always heard and saw on the media of women being sold into slavery, but I never really got to meet anyone or help anyone until now through immigration processing. Shit. It's something I would never want anyone to endure. I just wish there was something more that I could do. How can people be so sick and twisted to force a child into prostitution?
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